Thank you for taking the time to learn more about my campaign to be elected as Mayor of Inkster in 2023. When I was first elected mayor in November of 2015, Inkster was in financial distress. I had a vision to make change and with the help of active residents, and city council we were able to accomplish amazing things. Here is a list of city accomplishments that came to fruition during my tenure as mayor:
Inkster was taken out of receivership by the State of Michigan.
The city was negotiated out of the consent agreement with the State of Michigan, which had been in effect since June of 2016.
In 2019 at the end of my term, the city had a general funds surplus of $3.3 million dollars.
The Neighborhood Stabilization Program was created:
In order to fight blight in the community we reclaimed the Wayne County tax-foreclosed residential homes, partnered with vendors, and renovated the homes to sell to homeowners. In the first three years of the program we renovated over 300 homes in the city of Inkster.
The Inkster Public Schools Issue:
The former Inkster Public School System was cleared of over $8 million dept in December of 2018.
Grant Funding:
From 2016 to 2019, the city of Inkster applied for and received three grants dedicated to improving the police and fire departments.
$260,000 for an ambulance
$142, 975 to improve street lighting
$100,000 for police emergency vehicle replacement
Improved City Services:
A new garbage company, GFL, was contracted giving citizens the option to have a recycling bin.
Improvements were made to the building and planning departments so that services were streamlined and easier to use.
A plan was created and the implementation process was started to fix both residential and city streets, including fixing water and sewer pipes.
The number of police officers and firefighters was increased.
Improvements at Inkster Parks:
Westwood Park -- Home of Inkster Buccaneers Football Team
The bathrooms were rehabilitated.
LeMonye Park
The Basketball Court was refinished with blacktop.
The Parking Lot was expanded.
Middle Manor Park
A new playscape and benches were installed.
Dozier Recreation Center
Rehabilitated bathrooms and locker rooms.
Corden Chocolate Closes
Longtime Inkster Business Closes for good.
Vigil held for mother and son
INKSTER, Mich. (WXYZ) — Loved ones of 10-year-old Aaron Glegola and 45-year-old Oweeta Wilkins-Glegola gathered at Cherry Hill and Inkster Road Sunday for a candlelight vigil to remember the mother and son.
Inkster Mayor Byron Nolen Puts Residents First
Inkster Mayor Byron Nolen wants to introduce his city to the rest of the region. In order to accomplish that, he has been working steadily on numerous enhancements to the city since his election to the office in November of 2015.